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Increase Confidence in the Discovery of Breakthrough Therapeutics

For more than a decade, Ncardia has partnered with biotech and pharmaceutical organizations to tackle one of the biggest challenges in drug discovery: even after enormous investments of time and resources, 9 out of 10 drugs fail the first time they contact a human. 

You can dramatically improve those odds – using an integrated iPSC-based drug discovery platform that allows you to mimic drug interactions with the human body from hit identification to lead optimization.

Proven, integrated iPSC-platform to 
support multi-year drug discovery programs

By continually cultivating a special expertise in human biology,
Ncardia has established a portfolio of  relevant cell models and screening assays 
that primes your team for a higher probability of downstream
success to help avoid costly attrition.   

Advancing drug discovery with human iPSC technology

Ncardia has the experience, technical expertise and strategic insight to help you fail faster – eliminating non-valuable compounds at the earliest stages of drug discovery and enabling you to quickly and confidently focus on the most promising candidates. 

9 of 10 Top global pharma
companies served with
iPSC projects in 2020-21
60+ iPSC-based therapeutic
projects we’ve supported
since 2020
35 iPSC cell lines generated
from distinct sources
10+ Years of experience in
pursuing iPSC-based




Use the power of our iPSC platform to catalyze your discovery programs

As more and more drug discovery innovators look to capitalize on the unique value only iPSCs can deliver, they look to Ncardia as the uniquely qualified collaborator to join them on their all-important journeys. We’re ready to help make your next step the very best it can be. So let’s start with a conversation – about your vision, goals and expectations for your drug discovery projects.

Jeroen de Groot Divisional CEO
Jeroen de Groot